Hi. I have been impressed by blog sites like those of Matthew Moore, Steve Woods and Peter Timmins and decided to try add my voice and ideas to their contributions.
I have also created a web site to try and improve the access to my articles and other FOI and access resources. The website trys to link my various activities and interests. See http://ricksnell.com.au/
I see this blog as a means of developing ideas and engaging in dialogue with other people interested in access and information. Based in Tasmania has limited my engagement with the wider network of academics, advocates and others interested in these issues. Being a one finger typist restricts my ability to use email easily for free flowing discussion especially with more than one correspondent at the same time. So hpefully this blog can be used to reach out to a wider network.
Till now I have used my articles and talks to generate this conversation but I am keen to add a more informal and collaborative layer to this discussion.